Pronounce the name of your favourite DJs like a boss
Written by Michael on February 15, 2023
If you’re not sure how to say the name of the world’s biggest DJs and dance artists correctly, Massive has you sorted!
Find out how many artists you’re mispronouncing and make sure you never embarrass yourself, with our handy A-Z pronunciation guide.
See what how many you are pronouncing correctly and what ones surprise you. There’s some of the incorrect pronunciations that are pretty amusing. No, we didn’t make these up. We are assured that some people actually do pronounce the brands this way.

This list has been compiled from various sources, including representatives from the brands. In some cases, there are conflicting sources and we have opted for what is most commonly accepted.
If want to challenge any of the pronunciations, or suggest some more brands that are incorrectly pronounced, please contact us or leave a comment below and we’d be happy to update this list.
DJ and Dance Artist pronunciation guide
Artist/DJ | Correct pronunciation | Incorrect |
1111 | Eleven, Eleven | One, one, one, one |
3LAU | Blau (as in how) | Three-lau |
AN21 | An-Two-One | A-N-Twenty-One |
Audien | AWE-dee-en | |
Avicii | Ah-vee-chee | |
Bklava | Bak-la-vah | |
Bob Sinclar | Bob Sen-cla | Bob Sin-clair |
Bower | bow-er (as in how) | Bow-er (as in oh) |
Channel Tres | Chan’l Tress | Shah-nel Tray |
Chvrches | Churches | |
Crvvcks | Crooks | Cr-vicks |
D.O.D. | Dee-Oh-Dee | Dod |
David Guetta | day-vid Geh-tuh | Day-vid Gwetta |
Deadmau5 | Dead Mouse | Dead Mau-Five |
DJ EZ | Dee Jay Eee-Zed | Dee Jay Eee Zee |
Dj Khaled | Dj Kal-ed | DJ Kal-eed |
DJ Koze | Dee Jay Ko-zay | Dee Jay Cozy or Co-z |
DNCE | DEE EN CEE EE | Dance |
DROELOE | Droo-loo | Drow-low |
Dvbbs | Dubbs | D-vubbs |
Dzeko and Torres | Jeck-oh & Tor-res | Dez-ko & Tor-res |
Ekali | eh-Cal-i | E-kali |
Elohim | eh-low-heem | Ello-him |
Eric Prydz | Eh-rick Prid-z | Eh-rick Pry-ds |
Essel | Ess-Elle (SL) | Ess’l |
Felix Jaehn | fee-luhks yen | fee-luhks Jen |
G4SHI | gah-shee | gee-four-she or gay-shi |
Gotye | go-tee-ay | got-ya or goat-yeah |
HAIM | Hy-em | hame or hime |
HNNY | Hen-ny | Honey |
Jauz | Jaws (like the shark) | Jows |
Jean Luc | Zhon Luke | jee’n Luke |
KAI WACHI | Kai-watch-ee | |
Kaskade | Cascade | Cas-card |
Kayzo | Kay-zo | kyzo or kyso |
Klangkarussell | Clang-Caru-sell | Clang-Ka-Rustle |
KSHMRE | Cash-mere | |
KX5 | Kay-Ex-Five | Kay-times-five |
Laurent Garnier | Law-ron Garn-YAY | Lo-ront Garn-ier |
Lowes | Lowz | Low-es |
LP Giobbi | Elle-Pee Gee-oh-bee | |
Madeon | maa-dee-on | Mad-i-on |
Marshmello | Marsh-mell-o | |
Martin Ikin | Mar-tin E-k’n | Mar-tin Eye-kin |
Martin Solveig | Mar-ton Sol-veg | Mar-tin Sol-veeg |
MGMT | Em-Gee-Em-Tee | Management |
MNEK | Em-En-Ee-Kay | Em-Nek |
MØ | Mer or Meh | Mo |
Netsky | Net sky | Net Ski |
Noizu | Noyz-oo | |
Orjan Nilsen | Ehr-Yan Neel-sen | Or-jan Nil-sen |
Raphaella | Ruff-ay-ella | Ral-ph-ella |
Redux | Re-do | Ree-dux |
Rêve | Rr-ev | Reve |
Rihanna | Re-ANNA | Re-AWN-a |
Robin Schulz | Rob-in Shults | |
SBTRKT | subtract | |
Set Mo | Set Mo | |
Snbrn | sunburn | |
Sohmi | So-me | |
Syn Cole | Sin Kohl | Sign Kohl |
SZA | sizza | S-Z-A |
Tchami | CHAW-mee | Tch-ami |
Tiësto | Tee-es-towe | Tee-stowe or Tie-stow |
Tita Lau | Tee-ta Lau (as in how) | Tit-a Lau |
Tobtok | Tob-tork | Tob-tok |
Todd Terje | Todd Ter-YEAH | Todd Ter-jee or Ter-jay |
Tove Lo | Too-veh-loo | Tove-low |
TSHA | Tee-sha | Tasha or T.S.H.A. |
Tycho | Ty-ko | Ty-cho |
Weiss | Wh-AY-s | Wee-s |
Yeasayer | YAY-Say-er | Yee-Sayer |
Yves V | Ee-vee | Evees V |
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